Investiture ceremony of the Student Council of 2024 – 2025

Investiture ceremony of the Student Council of 2024 – 2025

“Great leaders don’t tell you, they show how it’s done.”

The first week of July saw the winners of the SC elections; the voting procedure for selecting the Vice-Captain and the School Captain was orderly and democratic. On Wednesday, the 10th of July, 2024, the entire Senior School gathered in the Multi-Purpose Hall to witness the oath-taking ceremony of the newly elected Student Council members. The air was filled with excitement and jubilation for the event. The Student Council members stood tall and proud, with signs of sincerity and responsibility visible on their bright and shining faces. The Senior School Principal – Dr Fraz Ahmed Sir and Junior School Principal – Ms Fozia Mehfooz Mam graced the occasion to pin the shiny new badges on and hand over the titles and responsibilities to the newly elected Leaders. House Mentors of the academic year 2023-24 were honoured and appreciated for their participation and efforts in the many inter-house events conducted over the year. The names of House mentors for the current academic year were also announced. Certificates and trophies were handed to the overall house champion of the year 2023-24 – Hazrat Umar (RA) House. We pray the new leaders perform extraordinary feats this year!

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