“It always seems impossible until it is done.”-Nelson Mandela.

The first PYP PTM of academic session (2019-2020) was held on September 21, 2019. This PTM was a great initiative causing it to become a great success. Many students improved their performance and it was a proud moment for their parents to witness brilliant outcomes of their children’s hard work.

The PTM was an amazing experience not only for teachers, but for the parents and students as well. Few interesting strategies used by teachers were 3 Stars Reflection, Pre note making, Drop Positive note for your child, Things I like, Parent’s Pride and more. Like any other PTM, teachers and parents discussed the strengths and weaknesses of their children and pondered over how they can help their child. Students also set goals with their parents as it is said by Brain Tracy

“A goal without a plan is just a dream.”

It was a phenomenal experience as the PTM concluded on a positive note with more goals to achieve ahead.

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