On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, EPS students embarked on an educational journey to Azim Premji University, Bhopal, for a workshop on poetry and film appreciation, accompanied by Urdu facilitator Dr.Yasmeen Arif and English facilitator Dr. Suboor Ahmed. With the theme “Of Light: Reading the Ghazal in English,” the workshop sought to expand participants’ knowledge of literary genres and cultural expressions.
Led by experienced facilitators, learners explored the development of ghazals, starting with their Urdu roots and on to their modern English forms. Our Cambridge and IB students’ literary prowess, analytical skills, and critical thinking skills were refined through lively discussions and imaginative interpretations. Students studied famous authors and gained an understanding of the structure of a ghazal.
The workshop at APU served as a beacon, guiding students toward a deeper understanding of poetry’s transformative power. With newfound knowledge, participants departed inspired and equipped to navigate the literary landscape with enriched perspectives.
Areeba Imran (grade 11)