The environment plays an integral role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem in which we live. Most people do not understand the importance of the environment and harm it with their various activities. If we continue to degrade the environment, it will have adverse effects on humans in the long run. Therefore, to protect the environment, attention should be paid to sustainable development.
To know the environment in a better way, Eastern Public School organized an Environment Awareness Session under Team Clean and Green on Saturday, 23rd September 2023.
Team Clean and Green is the brand ambassador of Bhopal Municipal Corporation’s under mission Swachch environment. Founder member of Team Clean and Green, CM Awardee and Yodha Awardee Mr. Akhlaque Ahmed took the session with the students who explained the importance of plantation and greenery management, waste management system and recycling, garden management etc…
The main objective of the program was to increase awareness among the students about the importance of environment and the need to protect it. Students were given the task of planting a tree and monitoring the plant and its progress. All the students participated with great enthusiasm in the awareness session program and tree plantation.
Dr. Fraz Ahmed, Principal, Senior School EPS, thanked everyone for their presence and concluded the day’s program.