
IGCSE Awards Ceremony – Celebrating Excellence in Education

IGCSE Awards Ceremony – Celebrating Excellence in Education The IGCSE Awards Ceremony is a prestigious event that honors the dedication and achievements of students who have excelled academically. It is a proud moment for students, teachers, parents, and the school community, as outstanding academic performances are recognized with certificates and awards. Areeba Imran, a student […]

Empowering Leadership: EPS at the SAIBSA DP Coordinators Session

At EPS, we believe that strong leadership drives excellence in education. Upholding this vision, our DP Coordinators, DPC Mirza Faizan Baig, and ADPC Ms. Shabana Sultana attended the SAIBSA Coordinators Session at Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad, to deepen their understanding of IB principles and practices. This session provided an invaluable platform to exchange ideas, refine […]

Librarians as Research Mentors: Insights from the SAIBSA Job-Alike Session in Kolkata

EPS Librarian Ms. Sazia Aquil attended the SAIBSA, Job-Alike Session in Kolkata which was an enriching experience, offering valuable insights into the evolving role of librarians in IB schools. The session emphasized the librarian’s integral role in fostering a culture of inquiry, collaboration, and independent learning. Discussions ranged from effective resource curation to supporting the […]

EPS students visit IISER, Bhopal

    The Children’s Science Meet talk was held at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal (IISER) on December 1st, 2024, as part of the inaugural session of the 94th Annual Session of the National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI). EPS IBDP students accompanied by Science HOD – Ms. Saba Sultan and […]

Urdu Assembly

۱۳ نومبر ۲۰۲۴ کو  ایسٹرن پبلک اسکول میں ’ یومِ  اردو ‘ کا انعقاد کیا گیا۔ جس میں طلبا نے بہت بڑھ چڑھ کر حصہ لیا  اور  اردو زبان کو فروغ دینے اور طلبا میں اردو زبان کی دلچسپی کو بڑھانے کے لیے ’اقبال اشہر ‘کی مشہور نظم ’اردو ہے میرا نام، میں خسرو کی پہیلی ‘  اور ’ […]

Strengthening Skills: IBDP Workshops for New Educators

EPS places high importance on supporting new teachers through comprehensive IBDP workshops, ensuring they feel confident and prepared to deliver the DP program effectively. New EPS teachers from mathematics and science departments, along with Senior School Principal Dr. Fraz Ahmed, visited Edubridge International School in Mumbai to attend the SAIBSA (South Asia IB Schools Association) […]

“Routes to Success: Semester 1 PTM 2024”

The Semester 1 PTM for Middle School and DP took place on November 2, 2024. Offering a valuable forum for parents, students, and teachers to talk about academic achievements and objectives. Teachers provided thorough feedback on students’ strengths, performance in assessments, and areas for growth. In addition, they analyzed students’ performance in IGCSE Cambridge Trial […]

Well-Being Session!

At EPS, we prioritize the holistic development of our students, placing their well-being at the center of our educational approach. On September 25, 2024, Munira Yusuf (SEN counselor,) and Mohd Umar member of the EPS Well Being Team conducted an engaging session exploring various well-being aspects, including physical, mental, and social well-being. This informative session […]

EPS मैं हिंदी दिवस मनाया गया

18,सितम्बर, 2024 को हिन्दी सभा में कक्षा 6 ठी से10वीं तक के विद्यार्थियों ने अपनी कला कौशल का प्रदर्शन किया | इसमें हिन्दी के प्राचीन ,मध्य और आधुनिक काल के इतिहास की रचनाओं को कविताओं और नाटक के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत किया | विद्यालय में बच्चों ने नाटक और हास्य कविताओं के माध्यम से अपने […]